
    General Information
    Company Name:


    Contact Person Mail ID:

    Your Contact:

    System Status:

    Hardware Problems
    1. Camera related problems:

    No video / Picture.Picture is not showing clear.Camera direction / view area is changed.Camera damaged.IP camera is not giving reply in the network.Camera is not working in tour / not taking proper tour.Other

    Please select how many camera/s is/are having above problem.:

    12345more than 5

    2. DVR (Digital Video Recorder) related problems.:

    Not giving video output to main monitor.Recording is not working.Showing some error on monitor display (please mention error in other column).Hard disk is not detecting.DVR is giving unnecessary beep sound.DVR buttons / keys is not functioning.Other

    Please select how many DVR/s is/are having above problem.:

    12345more than 5

    3. Operating keypad related problem.:

    Not detecting existing cameras.Not moving / functioning cameras.DVR through keypad.Totally dead.Other

    4. Monitor is not working.:

    Not detecting existing cameras.Not moving / functioning cameras.Totally dead.Other

    Please select how many monitors is having above problem.:

    12345more than 5

    5. Please type any other hardware problem which is not mention in above list: